World Children’s Day is a day to celebrate the power of children to change the world. On November 20th, we celebrate World Children’s Day, the anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It’s a day for children by children – a day to imagine a better future for every child.
For this year’s World Children’s Day, UNICEF prepared a toolkit themed “For Children, By Children” that provides ideas how children can participate in raising their voices for the issues that affect them and their future.
“This special days gives us an opportunity to look at our world through the eyes of children and consider what we as churches and followers of Christ can do to provide them with a hopeful and better future,” said Dr Rebecca Goropevsek, Coordinator of WEA’s Children’s Network. “The UNICEF toolkit provides some ideas for activities for the day, and as evangelicals we can also prayerfully look at children with God’s eyes and ask ourselves: what are their needs and challenges today, and what unique contribution does the global Church have to offer?”
“In Jeremiah 19:11, God says: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ May children experience the fulfillment of this promise in their lives, and may we as believers serve as the tools in God’s hands to help make this a reality.”
Download the UNICEF toolkit here.]]>
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