Micah Challenge Prayer, Friday 27 October


Welcome! We hope you will enjoy using these reflections with us!


This week’s reflection is an excerpt from the first book released by Micah Challenge (Defi Michee) in .

What is our motivation for ‘doing good’? Statistics of conversions, grateful thanks of the people we helped?

Based on Luke 17:11-19 the story of Jesus’ healing of the 10 people with leprosy, Jacques Blandenier reflects that:

What the Samaritan received is on a different scale to what the others received. .. social action alone is not enough to save people from their separation from God. It does not convey eternal life. But Jesus, the Son of the Father who makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, did nevertheless heal them, with no calculation or reticence. And this miracle is the foundation and legitimacy for the commitment of Christians people who are poor or marginalised, no matter what the nature of their poverty may be”.


Please pray:

ยง Let us pray for Jesus’ attitude of grace and generosity in our lives. May we be able to put it into action with the people we encounter and are in need.

ยง For the Micah Challenge consultation and launch in 31 October – 2 November 2006. Over 200 church leaders will learn more about integral mission, the Millennium Development Goals and how they can get involved through Micah Challenge.

o Please pray for Jean-Claude Cerin, the facilitator of Micah Challenge and other members of the steering group as they coordinate the event and also the launch of the campaign.

o Erika Izquierdo and Lawrence Temfwe will share their experience from Micah Challenge in the Andean Region and . Please pray that they will be able to adapt their knowledge in a way that the Haitian audience will be able to engage.

o Please pray for peace and reconciliation in the troubled country of ; may Micah Challenge contribute to the improvement of life situations of many poor people in the Caribbean island.

ยง Please pray for the young people in your country. May they learn what is necessary for their life’s safety and fulfilment. Please pray especially for Christian organisations and churches who work with young people in HIV/ AIDS prevention.

Meditate on the Statistics

As you spend time in prayer and reflection, you may like to take a moment to silently understand with your heart the focus statistic we will include each week (see below). We are hoping that you will find this series of statistics a useful reference in preparing presentations.

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases.

Target 7: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS

‘While progress is notable, the HIV prevention response falls short in many areas. The Declaration of Commitment calls for 90% of young people to be knowledgeable about AIDS by 2005, yet surveys indicate that fewer than 50% of young people achieved comprehensive knowledge levels.’

Source: Global Report 2006, UNAIDS


Yours in Christ,

Regine, Jill and Michael

Please see List of Prayer Reflections


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